Need an attention-grabbing TV Commercial?

American Media Sound & Video Production delivers top-quality results at an affordable price. From simple graphic spots to full-blown scripted video productions with custom music, we'll craft a TV Commercial that will reach out and engage your target audience.

In the business world, image is everything, and there is no better way to project a positive image than an engaging, informative TV commercial.

  • Who are you?
  • What do you do?
  • How can you be reached?
  • Why should people choose your business or product?
  • Who is the target consumer that would benefit from your business or product?

These are the key questions that can be uniquely addressed directly to potential customers in a 30 or 60 second commercial.

At American Media Sound & Video, we're not just a production studio, we're a creative resource. Of course, we can always work from your finished concept and script, but where we really shine is in our ability to conceptualize and create memorable vignettes that will stick out from the background media noise and capture the imagination of the viewer.

We work with our clients to get to the heart of their business, and craft a message that will communicate those core values to the desired demographic in an entertaining way. From comic absurdity, to sentimental tugging-at-the-heartstrings, to a simple "just the facts ma'am" approach, we can take care of the entire package…from conceptualization to scripting, storyboards, casting, location scouting, filming, editing, custom jingles, 3D animated graphics, and digital delivery.

To paraphrase Maya Angelou: "People will forget what you said, and people will forget what you did, but people will always remember the way you made them feel"

That is our goal at American Media Sound & Video Production…to evoke an emotional response in the viewer, and forever link it with your brand.

Give us a call and let us design a TV Commercial or multi-media campaign that will make your business shine, and get the sales RESULTS you're looking for!

(904) 923-7141


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